The why of our Back Patch

A few Years ago now, Bronx, PIA and Myself, set out to design a new back patch to represent our Motorcycle Honor Guard and its Mission to Honor our Fallen as well as, facilitate Patriotic events and ceremonies.
“We always knew that the Twin Towers had to be a major part of the patch, as it was the start of the Global War on Terror, as well as, a major blow to America as a whole. Having the Towers as a centerpiece on the design was essential, therefore, the entire patch was to be designed around them.”
Now it came down on how to Honor our Fallen, ALL OF OUR FALLEN, to include: Military, Police, Fire and First Responder personnel. This proved to be a task in itself, so we chose to place Ribbons of Honor at the top floor of each tower to represent the Fallen Personnel who sacrificed themselves while doing their sworn duties on that terrible day.
We placed a single Red Ribbon in Honor of the sacrifice of our Fallen Fireman on 9/11 at the top of one of the Towers, while we also placed a single Blue Ribbon in Honor of the sacrifice of our Law Enforcement Officers on the other Tower. All of whom had Fallen at ground zero and continue to do so from illnesses and PTSD pertaining to that event.
Not withstanding, it was now time to Honor fellow Military Veterans, who fell in the War on terror, as well as continue to battle for our freedoms against the terrorist organizations in hostile countries all around the world. These are the individuals who struck at the Heart of Americans, prompting the words:
Knowing that everyday for more than a decade, our Military personnel have fought, bled and died for their beloved country, I knew we had to make this a unique tribute to their service to keep us free. So, we chose to make the entire back drop of the patch out of real digital camouflage material to Honor the sacrifices of our Fallen Military men and women who serve this great country.
As a Patriotic Organization, we decided to wrap the entire twin towers and camouflage back drop in Old Glory. As Americans, Old Glory is the symbol we know and recognize as a symbol of Freedom. Freedom that we all enjoy and are willing to fight for.
Last piece of our back patch puzzle was how to Honor our Missing and POW personnel, both from War as well as, the 9/11 attacks. This was easily accomplished by using the traditional POW/MIA flag, placed center patch and just under the Honor Ribbons in the towers.
So you see, there was tremendous thought placed, with true meaning to this back patch. After Hundreds of Missions, Memorials, Ceremonies and Events, Reverence and its’ back patch are never more Patriotic and Proud to serve our Great Country and all its’ Heroes.
Finally, we have a motto we use often, and you may see it posted in quite a few places around the internet in reference to our Fallen Heroes: NFFR
We want them to know that they will be: Never Forgotten-Forever Revered