This Week's Thursday Throwback Hero is:
Anthony Taormina United States Army Service from 1943 - 1946 WWII Veteran of the Pacific and European Theaters
Anthony was Born (3/12/1921), please take note of that date as he will be turning 100 years old this March.
This is but a brief glimpse of Tony’s life so far:
Tony is a World War II Veteran who served our great country in the United States Army, participating in both the European and Pacific theaters of war.
He arrived for his basic duty training at Camp Upton, NY in 1943. After graduation from training, he then spent the next 3 years serving overseas in both the European and Pacific theaters of WWII.
After his Honorable discharge in 1946, he returned home and began his civilian life by earning a Masters Degree in Biology. With his degree, he became a Biologist for the Fishing and Wildlife Commission.
During his career, he was responsible for building 35 wildlife ponds, each on over 20 acres of land in both New York and California. Tony was also instrumental in the passing of the environmental defense fund in Washington, DC.
To this day, in his “spare” time, Tony writes editorials for the Stuart News. He has written four books as well.
We Honor the Service & Dedication of Tony Taormina.
Sir, you are: Never Forgotten – Forever Revered