This Weeks Throwback Thursday Hero of the week is:
USAF Ssgt Jack Berner
Korean & Vietnam War Veteran
His Honorable career reads like this:
He was stationed at Wurtsmith Air Force Base, as an air policeman for 15 years.
After his service he became President of The Florida National Group Blind Veterans Association, Sr. Vice Commander and officer of The Disabled American Veterans Chapter 113, as well as Veterans State Hospital Chairman of B.P.O.E. Lodge in Battle Creek, MI.
Also, Past Commander of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 7, a life member of V.F.W. Jensen Beach Post 10066; and member of Port St. Lucie Lodge 2658 B.P.O.E.
Staff Sargent Berner, we thank you for your Service, Sacrifice and Patriotism to our great Country.
Never Forgotten – Forever Revered