This Week’s Thursday Throwback Hero of the Week is:
PFC Dan “Stash” Milne
United States Army
Service from May 1966 to May 1968
His Honorable Service career reads like this:
After being drafted, “Stash” as we know Dan, went to Basic Training in Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo to become a soldier, his next stop would be, Advanced Individual Training as a wheeled vehicle mechanic in Ft. Knox, Ky.
Having to round out his training he was then sent to advanced AIT to train as a track vehicle mechanic also at Ft. Knox, Ky.
After graduation of training he was stationed with the 9th Maintenance Battalion. Usareur Augmentation Readiness Group in Strassburg Kasern, Idar-Oberstien, Germany
His mission while in Germany was to receive and make ready, Armor division vehicles, for controlled humidity storage. At the time if the war broke out with Russia, the United states would only have to send troops as they’re equipment was already there in storage.
It is with great Honor that we remember PFC Dan “Stash” Milne with this Veteran Spotlight, as we thank him for his continued Service, Duty, Dedication and Sacrifice to our grateful Nation
Sir you are:
Never Forgotten – Forever Revered